Tuesday, December 18, 2018

4 Tips to Choose a Sports Shoe for Men

Walking and running are the most basic of physical activities undertaken by humans. Even doctors too are recommending a moderate amount of physical activity in the form of walking and running to avoid cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. They are also great for keeping yourself fit.

For these activities you require a good pair of sporting shoes. The choice of a good shoe is crucial as it helps avoid injuries. Some common injuries due to bad shoes are Achilles tendinitis, knee injury, ankle injury etc.

Sports Shoes

But, how to choose a proper sports shoe? This question coming to your mind is quite understandable. There are many Mens Sports Shoes Manufacturer out there in the market bringing out numerous varieties of shoes regularly. Choosing among them is daunting.

Here are some tips for you to identifying and choosing the best sports shoe for your running and walking needs.

The Sole :

The outer sole is the most important part of the shoe to look into. For walking and running, it is advised to avoid high heeled soles. Choose a moderately heeled shoe.

Also, the sole must contain enough grooves for proper gripping of the surface. This function should be smooth across all terrains.

It is on the outer sole that the action of your foot is at its maximum. Thus, the material of the outer sole must be both hard and light in weight. Hard for enduring the stress of the foot and light for easy lifting and moving the foot.

Most of the mens sports shoes manufacturers use hard rubber for the sole. Choose shoes that have soles made of rubber composites.

The Interior :

The interior of the shoes must be soft and must provide ample amount of cushioning. It is often seen that during running and walking the major movement of the feet inside the shoes is in forward direction. So, check for a cushioning layer at the side of toes in the shoes.

Also, the material used inside the shoes must not be air tight. It should breathe in air to make for a comfortable running.

The Exterior :

 The upper part of a sports shoe must be made of tensile material. It must allow for and withstand lateral movement of the feet.

Also, it should be capable of enduring wear and tear. It must be dust proof and can be washed easily. The lacing provided must ensure that the shoes stays with the feet and not come off easily.

The Design :

Choose a shoe that has an ergonomically designed to fit your feet. Don’t go by the trendy designs brought out by many mens sports shoes . It is not just the colours and patterns that you should look into. It is the fitting of the shoe that you should look into.

All said, at the end of the day, the design choice is entirely your personal choice depending on your tastes and preferences.

If you are planing to purchase a Mens Sports Shoe , please visit us.

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